Miss America 2008 Kirsten Haglund

Farmington Hills, Michigan

Age: 19

Education: Walled Lake Western High School

University of Cincinnati – Conservatory of Music – Attending – Musical Theatre

Platform Issue: Raising awareness of eating disorders

Scholastic Ambition: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre


Scholastic Honors: University of Cincinnati Dean's List

Cincinnatus "Century" Scholar

National Honor Society

Career Ambition: To pursue a career on Broadway

The defining moment in Kirsten's life was realizing she had an eating disorder and "making the decision, my own decision, to recover." Upon meeting her, people might not realize that "I love books and academia and school, I love to watch the news, and I will forever be an enormous Harry Potter fan (yes, I waited until midnight to get my book at the past four release parties!)"

Kirsten is most proud of the time she performed as a soloist with the Burklyn Ballet Theatre in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Favorite TV Show: Will & Grace

Favorite Place to Visit: Edinburgh, Scotland

Favorite Food: Dark Chocolate

I was influenced by: My mother, most certainly. As a nurse and church leader, she is my role model for faith, character, and love.

State I've always wanted to visit: Georgia, because I love history; I want to visit the battlefields, the museums, and the plantations.

Something interesting about my family: My Grandmother represented Michigan at the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City in 1944.

I can't live without: Vitamin B!

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